Sunday, March 25, 2012

" Inspired by the local materials and culture of Mahabalipuram, an Indian fishing village famous for sculpture, American Artist Janet Echelman stumbled upon a material that would change her art, and life, forever. One evening, while observing the fishermen’s nightly routine of bundling their nets, Echelman imagined a new type of sculpture – a volumetric form that could be the scale of a large building but remain light enough to ripple in the wind, constantly reshaping the net and creating ever-changing patterns. " - ArchDaily

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Assignment 1 Percentage

Firstly, ‘clarity’ could be an important part as the first impression of the entry. It might be the determinant of win in this competition which would let people pay attention to it. However, ‘rigor’ is the point of connection between the imaginary idea and the real design. In this competition, the application of town hall must be practicable. ‘It should be a hall for that town only, different from halls in other towns.’ So the operation with context of this project will be the conclusive factor for their final judgment. Also ‘imagination’ will be the further development and reinforcement of the participants’ ideas.
