Sunday, April 22, 2012


In the audit of the 939 projects, 203.18 billion Yuan of total planned investment, 63 projects, 26 construction companies, 4 survey and design departments and 8 supervision departments have the problems of management non-compliance and survey and design not-in-place to varying degrees.

"From the audit findings, the phenomenon of some department’s violations excessive construction of buildings is very obvious. Among these, the outside wall of SanTai County’s 2011 new government building, is beyond the standard use of hollow tempered glass curtain wall decoration, for an area of 1993.84 square meters. A single office has the space area of 66 square meters which exceeds 6.3 times of the 9 square meters standard for a county organ."


The site I chose is the rebuilding county of WenChuan, after 2008 earthquake, in SiChuan Province, China.

After reading the news released from the audit department, I was ashamed on what the government did in the rebuilding period. It is really urgent for us to build a practical government department, a town hall, which can be supervised by the citizens. It is necessary to build a place for the survivors to assemble their power and give them a new community space for love finding. The internal town hall should be viewable from the outside and the ground floor level should be open to the public as an accessible community center. Also there will be a central block (space) that can serve people like a cafĂ© or a teahouse. 

The other function of the town hall is to collect and store earthquake energy, and also give a safe refuge for people to live during the earthquake. The energy released in the Wenchuan earthquake (7.9 degree) is equal to the energy of the explosion of 4 million Hiroshima atomic bombs. This will benefit the society so much if this technology can be achieved. Of course, the scale of the town hall will be much bigger than the one in the second assignment.

Satellite captures between after the earthquake and after the rebuilding

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